
The cell surface enzyme beta 1-4 galactosyl transferase (galtase) has been implicated in a number of cellular events involving adhesion and recognition, among them migration of neural crest and mesenchymal cells as well as initiation and elongation of neurites from PC12 cells. Results presented here demonstrate that reagents that specifically alter galtase activity modulate the rate of neurite outgrowth from chick dorsal root ganglia on substrata coated with the large extracellular matrix glycoprotein, laminin (LN), a known substrate for galtase activity. Not all neurites responded equally to reagent addition, and in every experiment a subset of neurites was ostensibly unaffected by reagent, even at the highest concentration tested. Those neurites that were affected demonstrated an ability to adapt to the continued presence of reagent and resume normal elongation. These results support the hypothesis that cell surface galtase activity plays an important role in mediating neurite elongation and suggest further that differential expression of galtase at the nerve growth cone might contribute to axonal guidance through glycoconjugate-rich environments in vivo.

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