
A gain-scheduled controller for active e utter suppression of the NASA Langley Research Center’ s Benchmark Active ControlsTechnology wing section is presented. Thewing section changessignie cantly as a function of Mach and dynamicpressureand ismodeled asa linearsystem whoseparameters depend in a linearfractionalmanneron Mach and dynamic pressure. The resulting gain-scheduled controller also depends in a linear fractional manner on Mach and dynamic pressure. Stability of the closed-loop system over a wide range of Mach and dynamic pressure is demonstrated. Closed-loop stability is demonstrated via time simulations in which both Mach and dynamic pressure are allowed to vary in the presence of input disturbances. The linear fractional gain-scheduled controller and an optimized linear controller (designed for comparison ) both achieve closed-loop stability, but the gain-scheduled controller outperforms the linear controller throughout the operating region.

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