
The Malaysian Malaysia concept is an idea for nation-building efforts that was initiated by Lee Kuan Yew. This concept received support from multiracial political parties by forming a coalition known as the Malaysian Solidarity Convention (MSC). Beside that, there was a reaction of opposition from Malay political leaders, who consider this concept to threaten the special position of the Malays. Therefore, there is a question about the special position of the Malays in the Malaysian Malaysia concept. This is because this concept aims to fight for the formation of a nation based on racial diversity and against the dominance of a race. However, Lee Kuan Yew tried to emphasise that the Malaysian Malaysia concept does not intend to oppose the special rights. So, the objective of this study is to analyse whether the concept of Malaysian Malaysia aims to oppose Malay special rights. Views on the issue of a special position were also evaluated based on the views of UMNO leaders. This research used a history methodology to analyse such documents as DO 169/526, DO 169/529, DO 169/530 Parliamentary Debates Official Reports. Lee Kuan Yew’s stance on the special position of the Malays is somewhat ambiguous and contradictory. Lee Kuan Yew’s efforts to restore the negative view of Malay leaders towards the Malaysian Malaysia concept have had no effect. UMNO leaders have their own arguments for believing that the concept of Malaysian Malaysia aims to oppose the special position of the Malays.

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