
Gadget addiction in children is a new problem arising all over the world and this addiction affects the growth and development ofchildren with a greater impact on their social behavior. Addiction is a social stigma in society. Any addiction is a result of attraction toward the badthing. In Ayurveda, literature acharyas describe various methods to control the mind's desires and restrain bad habits. Our aim in this study is toreview the literature on Ayurveda methods that could be beneficial in the management of gadget addiction. In Ayurveda literature,PadanshikaKrarma, AcharaRasayana, SatvavajayaChikitsa, and Yoga have been proven actions to control the mind. A benefit of applying thismethodology is that they are cost-effective, requires minimal infrastructure, and requires minimal persons for this therapy. Yogchikitsa has beentraditionally practiced for centuries in India; hence, people easily accept it. Along with de-addiction, it improves the general well-being of a person.PadanshikaKrama, AcharaRasayana, and SatvavajayaChikitsa are the methods to change the patient's thinking and divert his mind from unwholesomethings to wholesome things. Though Gadgets are helpful in day-to-day life, their excessive use harms mental, physical, and social life, academicgoals, and career. Children are future adults; hence, it is necessary to de-addict them as early as possible. Therefore, building a generation that canopt for a healthy lifestyle over any addiction is necessary. It could be possible by using a good code of conduct as per Ayurveda andSatvavajayachikitsa, restraining the mind from unwholesome objects. Previous studies were conducted in developed countries and in urban areas ofIndia where all the facilities are available but expensive. Hence in developing countries, Yoga is more convenient because Yoga is traditionallypracticed in India and people are aware of its benefits and the method of conducting Yoga. Hence it will be easier to train Children and theirparents regarding Non-pharmacological interventions suggested in Sattvavajay, which is almost free of cost; hence anyone can afford it without anyhesitation.

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