
Dialogue has been part of the movement of the Church in understanding its faith in the context of the present situation where she is now living, and that is the world. She is now in a world where everyone has found through their expression of faith in different religions, which resembles a similarity in values and faith. So the Church formulated elements wherein they can share their differences and similarities to adhere to the prayer of Jesus to the Father that “all may be in one”; yet we face the fact that this is no longer important because of the theological components that are present. In an attempt to revitalize this ecumenism, the research incorporates the existential philosophical method of Gabriel Marcel, the primary and secondary reflection. The researcher plans to achieve this by first exposing Gabriel Marcels Existential Phenomenological Method. Second, exposing some themes of the Church in doing Ecumenical Dialogue, and lastly to emerge the two to form a new perspective in Ecumenical Dialogue. In spiritual ecumenism, dialogues of love, truth, and life are all possible if only we open our minds to what is essential (primary reflection) in these elements and make them our individual values (secondary reflection).

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