
Transitioning to adulthood is a dynamic period in life, in which significant decisions are made in several domains. In this study, we investigate the transition into post-secondary life of young adults with an intellectual disability who have followed an inclusive school trajectory in Flanders (Belgium). We aim to clarify the significant elements of this transition when the known structures of school disappear. As a method, we ‘walk-with’ Gabria and connect three events of her life story with the concepts of desire and support. Gabria demonstrates the importance of starting from desire as an affirmative force, as she resists making disconnected choices and wants to be approached as a person with the aspiration to work, living alone and have a relationship. Furthermore, support in the current care systems seems too restricted to one specific policy domain into which these young adults need to fit. Interagency commitment and coordination are crucial for a holistic approach to young adults with an intellectual disability. To see Gabria fully implies starting from her needs and desires, and taking account of her difficulties and the support needs for her and her network by drawing on local knowledge.

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