
Gabor orthogonal bases and convexity, Discrete Analysis 2018:19, 11 pp. A fundamental way of understanding a function $f$ defined on $\mathbb R^d$ is to expand it in terms of a basis with nice properties. Typically, one assumes that $f\in L_2(\mathbb R^d)$, and then it becomes natural to look for orthonormal bases with properties such as interesting symmetries. For example, wavelet bases, which play a very important role in signal processing, are orthonormal and consist of translates and dilates of a single function. One class of good bases that has been studied is the class of _Gabor orthogonal bases_. Here the idea is to take a countable set of functions of the form $g_{a,b}(x)=g(x-a)\exp(-2\pi ix.b)$, where $g$ is a fixed function in $L_2(\mathbb R^d)$ and $a,b$ are elements of $\mathbb R^d$. One way to achieve this is to find a measurable set $K$ that tiles $\mathbb R^d$ with the property that there is an orthonormal basis of $L_2(K)$ that consists of functions of the form $\chi_K(x)\exp(-2\pi ix.b)$. Then we can obtain a similar orthonormal basis for $L_2(K+t)$ for each translate $t$ in the tiling, and combining these bases one obtains a basis for the whole of $L_2(\mathbb R^d)$, for the simple reason that there is no interaction between the bases for the different translates. It was conjectured by Fuglede in 1974 that a set $K$ admits an orthonormal basis of exponentials as above if and only if it tiles $\mathbb R^d$, but this was shown not to be true by Tao in 2003. Understanding which sets are spectral in this way is still an active area of research. In general, our understanding of which functions $g$ can be used to form Gabor orthogonal bases is quite limited. In particular, it seems to be hard to prove negative results. In this paper, it is shown that a certain class of functions cannot be used: if $K$ is a convex body with a smooth boundary with Gaussian curvature that does not vanish anywhere, then provided that $d\ne 1 \mod 4$, the characteristic function of $K$ cannot be used as the function $g$ in a Gabor orthogonal basis. Of course, there is no chance of tiling $\mathbb R^d$ with such a set $K$, but that on its own does not rule out some kind of complicated interaction between neighbouring local bases. The condition that the Gaussian curvature does not vanish everywhere is a strong one, but the authors believe that it should not be too hard to modify the proof to do without it, since there will be plenty of points with non-vanishing curvature even if not all of them have it. The condition that $d\ne 1\mod 4$ is more mysterious -- late on in the proof, a contradiction is obtained, which fails to be a contradiction if $d=1\mod 4$, but that appears to be an artefact of the proof rather than a serious indication that the result is different in that case. More or less all the obvious questions one might want to ask about Gabor orthogonal bases are still open. For example, it is not known whether there is a non-spectral set $K$ such that $\chi_K$ will work. In this case, one would not be able to find an orthonormal basis of exponentials for $L_2(K)$, so one would have to combine non-spanning orthonormal bases of exponentials for overlapping translates of $K$. A particularly interesting case that the authors mention is that of a triangle in $\mathbb R^2$.


  • The basic question we ask in this paper is, which functions g can serve as window functions for orthogonal Gabor bases for L2(Rd)?

  • We say that G(g, S) is an orthonormal basis for L2(Rd) with the window function g, g = 1, and the spectrum S if G(g, S) is complete in L2(Rd) and the vectors are mutually orthogonal in the sense that g(x − a)g(x − a )e−2πix·(b−b )dx = 0 for all (a, b) = (a, b )

  • It is clear that the (d − 1)-dimensional subspace H in the construction in the subsection 3.5 can be chosen such that bi − b j is normal to the boundary (K + ai) ∩ (K + a j) at a point where the boundary is smooth

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The basic question we ask in this paper is, which functions g can serve as window functions for orthogonal Gabor bases for L2(Rd)?. When S = A × B and g(x) = χE(x), with E a bounded subset of Rd with non-zero measure, it is not difficult to see that E must tile Rd by translation, with A serving as a tiling set In this case {e−2πix·b}b∈B would have to be an orthogonal basis for L2(E). We can use the theory of tiling and orthogonal exponential bases to rule out the possibility that χE, for a given set E, is a window function for an orthogonal Gabor basis. It should not be difficult to modify the proof of Theorem 1.2 to handle the more general case when ∂ K is smooth and the boundary contains at least one point where the Gaussian curvature does not vanish We shall address these issues in the sequel.

Expansion estimates
Basic structure of orthonormal Gabor bases
Proof of part ii)
Proof of part iii)
Extraction of an (essentially) linear triple
Orthogonality and asymptotic expansions of the Fourier transform
Conclusion of the argument
Open problems
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