
The initial reference for the formation of the G20 Summit was due to the global economic crisis caused by the pandemic. The G20 Summit will be held in Bali on 15-16 November 2022 with the big theme "Recover Together, Recover Stronger" which will have an impact on the Indonesian economy, especially for UMKM, especially UMKM in Indonesia are considered a pillar of the economy because they have an impact on distribution of people's income and being able to crash and survive in an economic crisis like in 1997. The purpose of this discussion is to find out how the impact of G20 activities has on the improvement of UMKM in Indonesia. The research method used in this writing is literature or through bibliographical reference sources such as books, journals, documents and other sources that can be accounted for in a qualitative way by analyzing descriptions related to existing data. The results of the discussion are that there is a G20 presidency Some of the positive impacts for UMKM in Indonesia include providing marketing opportunities for UMKM business owners in Indonesia to advance to the international level, increasing domestic consumption up to Rp. 1.7 trillion and there is a projected increase in foreign tourists of up to 1.8 million to 3.6 million and also 600-700 thousand new jobs supported by the good performance of the culinary, fashion and craft sectors and learning the importance of digital marketing for UMKM.

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