
The formation process of massive stars is not well understood, and advancement in our understanding benefits from high resolution observations and modelling of the gas and dust surrounding individual high-mass (proto)stars. Here we report sub-arcsecond (<1550 au) resolution observations of the young massive star G11.92-0.61 MM1 with the SMA and VLA. Our 1.3 mm SMA observations reveal consistent velocity gradients in compact molecular line emission from species such as CH$_3$CN, CH$_3$OH, OCS, HNCO, H$_2$CO, DCN and CH$_3$CH$_2$CN, oriented perpendicular to the previously reported bipolar molecular outflow from MM1. Modelling of the compact gas kinematics suggests a structure undergoing rotation around the peak of the dust continuum emission. The rotational profile can be well fit by a model of a Keplerian disc, including infall, surrounding an enclosed mass of 30-60M$_{\odot}$, of which 2-3M$_{\odot}$ is attributed to the disc. From modelling the CH$_3$CN emission, we determine that two temperature components, of 150 K and 230 K, are required to adequately reproduce the spectra. Our 0.9 and 3.0cm VLA continuum data exhibit an excess above the level expected from dust emission; the full centimetre-submillimetre wavelength spectral energy distribution of MM1 is well reproduced by a model including dust emission, an unresolved hypercompact H{\i}{\i} region, and a compact ionised jet. In combination, our results suggest that MM1 is an example of a massive proto-O star forming via disc accretion, in a similar way to that of lower mass stars.

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