
Conceptual analysis refers to the analysis of key words within a specific cognitive domain of the culture being studied. Of particular interest is studying the lexical context and compatibility surrounding the chosen keyword. Other elements within the field are combined in relation to it.While reading the philosophical reasoning of Galym Mutanov, it reminded me of the statements made by I.S. Turgenev in his book “Poems in Prose.” This sparked a desire to compare the philosophical understanding of life between a classic Russian literature figure from the 19th century and a poet from the 21 century.The purpose of this article is to identify the thematic connections in the description of a specific chapter from Galym Mutanov’s book “Shine.” It aims to provide a semantic-syntactic analysis of the analyzed texts, emphasizing the originality of the evidence base and linguistic means used in the book.Analyzing Galym Mutanov’s book “Shining” is challenging not due to its length, but because of the profound philosophical reflections it presents. At the core of Mutanov’s perception of life lies a deep love for life itself, humanity, and the entire world around us. The poetic style employed in his writing showcases a remarkable sense of language.

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