
The article is devoted to the expansion of the assortment list of raw materials in the technology of food products and the use of pectin-containing fruit raw materials in the technology of desserts. The purpose of the article is to improve the technology of dessert products by using semi-finished products (puree, jelly juice) from blackcurrant, gooseberry, cranberry, chaenomeles fruits to enrich the nutritional and biological value, improve the structural and mechanical properties of finished products and maximize the resource potential of raw materials. The chemical composition of pectin-containing fruit raw materials and its processing products (pomace, puree, gelatinous juice) was studied and the presence of a high content of pectin and phenolic substances in their composition, which are mainly localized in the skin of fruits and berries. It is shown that gelling juices from fruit raw materials contain a higher content of pectin and phenolic substances compared to puree, which indicates the expediency of their use in the technology of jelly-like desserts. Based on the experimental studies, the effect of gelling juices from various types of pectin-containing fruit raw materials on the strength and structural-mechanical properties of desserts, and it was determined that the best indicators are characterized by samples of dessert products with the addition of 50% of gelling juice from the prescription amount of gelatin. The technology of making panna cotta dessert using gelatinous juices has been improved. It is recommended to use a compositional combination of gelling juice from pectin-containing fruit raw materials with gelatin as a structure- former to get a panna cotta dessert, because there is a complex interaction of pectin substances of fruit raw materials and gelatin, the nutritional and biological value of the finished products increases, the maximum use of the resource potential of the raw materials is achieved, which indicates the greening of production.

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