
The vibrant and advanced software development tools not only provide software with versatile functions for radical users but at the same time, an easy to use GUI for naive users. APS (Application Package Software) has provided a customised approach for developing independent software components which are ready to be integrated with existing software systems. The APS along with CBSE (Component Based Software Engineering) has an inordinate potential for reducing development time, cost and effort, which otherwise may extend beyond weeks or months’ time for integration. Further, the CBSE approach promotes software reusability i.e. reusing the available components. A component can be reused after fabrication which will include the fabrication cost and time. For development of economical and reliable software, components can be procured in the form of Commercial off-The Shelf (COTS) components from the vendor or may be developed in-house or can be fabricated. This decision is based on several parameters. The aim of this paper is to select the suitable mix of components using Build-or-buy strategy or considering fabrication and to propose a multi-objective model for software modular system with objective of maximizing reliability while simultaneously minimizing the cost, execution time and Source Lines of Code (SLOC) using Consensus Recovery Block Scheme.

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