
Fuzzy Logic in Geology . 2004. Robert V. Demicco and George J. Klir (Eds.). Elsevier Academic Press, 347p. Price: $95 USD. For quite some time, the engineering community has enjoyed success in application of fuzzy logic, and has appreciated the resultant progress in understanding domain problems through its use. Most of us in the geological community perhaps did not fully recognize the impact of fuzzy logic in geology until recently, when Fuzzy Logic in Geology , edited by Professors Robert V. Demicco and George J. Klir, was published. Fuzzy set theory was introduced in 1965 by Proffesor Lotfi Zadeh of the University of California-Berkeley. Over the last two decades or so, applications of fuzzy set theory and fuzzy logic have been highly successuful in many engineering fields, particularly in control systems. In science, applications have been more slowly adopted than in engineering. Though less visable, the utility of fuzzy sets and fuzzy logic has also shown great potential in geological sciences since the late 1990s. Fuzzy Logic in Geology brings us, in a systematic manner, fresh ideas and application examples that demonstrate what fuzzy logic can offer to solve real world problems in geology. As the editors state in the preface, the purpose of this book is threefold: (1) To examine how fuzzy logic has already been successfully applied in some areas of geology. The application examples, such as stratigraphic modeling, fuzzy transform approximation, fuzzy rule-based reasoning, and others, show that fuzzy logic offers a new or alternative way to represent geological knowledge and to deal with geological problems. (2) To stimulate the development of applications of fuzzy logic in other areas of geology. This book helps geologists understand the main facets of fuzzy logic and their role in geology. (3) To make researchers in fuzzy logic aware of the …

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