
Vehicular ad-hoc network have the capability for enhancing the road safety using intelligent transportation system by communicating with each other (V–V) as well as with road side infrastructure unit (V–I) through driver information system and internet access. It becomes more challenging issue in VANET to provide a reliable multi-hop communication, due to high speed of vehicles movement, limited wireless resources, and the lose characteristic of a wireless channel. To overcome the above problem, this paper presents a fuzzy logic based multi-criteria intelligent forward routing protocol. Which is operable in dynamic network condition and compatible with both communication modes like vehicle-to-vehicle and vehicle-to-infrastructure. To select the greedy next node for data forwarding our proposed protocol calculate node stability cost and positive progress value. Here fuzzy logic based multi-criteria has been used to dynamically evaluate the node stability cost for selecting the next hop forward vehicle or road side units (RSUs), for forwarding the data reliably toward the destination. Three parameters, packet reception probability with changes of intra communication distance, speed difference and link expiration time between relay and neighbor vehicles or RSUs has been used to evaluate the weight of node using fuzzy logic. Also positive progress value has been considered to identify the distance with direction of a node from the destination at a particular time. In framework evaluation, an infrastructure-based fuzzy next hop forwarding mechanism has been presented in urban areas. The simulation results has been shown an improvement of performance of the given solution in comparison with existing protocol performance.

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