
Cluster Head (CH) selection has a key role to maintain the energy level of the Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs). Clustering and appropriate CH selection reduces communication overhead by using data aggregation, resulting in prolonged system life time. In this paper, homogeneous WSNs are considered where all the sensor nodes have the same energy. A Fuzzy Logic Based Control system is proposed which selects the CH based on three linguistic variables, i.e., how sensor nodes are closed to the cluster center (distance), total nodes in a specific formed cluster and the flowing traffic (communication traffic). The simulation results show that a node's CH selection chances increases with decrease in its distance from the cluster center. Moreover, when the communication traffic increases form 11 to 20 units, the chance of CH selection drastically decreases. The range of 5 to 10 units values of the concentration factor drops the chance of the competing sensor node to become CH.

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