
IntroductionThis is the first of four chapters on fuzzy regression. This chapter and Chapter 14 are about fuzzy linear regression and Chapters 12 and 13 consider fuzzy nonlinear regression. In this chapter the independent (predictor, explanatory) variables are crisp but the dependent (response) variable is fuzzy. In Chapter 14 both the independent variables and the dependent variable are fuzzy. This chapter is based on [1].Fuzzy linear regression has become a very large area of research. Put “fuzzy regression” into your search engine and you can get too many web sites to visit.“Fuzzy linear regression” will eliminate a lot of web sites but the list is still quite long. We have selected a few recent and key references on fuzzy linear regression which are: (1) books (or articles in these books) ([4],[8],[14]); and (2) papers ([2],[3],[5],[9],[10],[12],[13],[15],[19]-[24],[27]-[32]).As far as the authors know our research is the only research on using Monte Carlo techniques in fuzzy linear regression. However, there have been other approaches employing random search (genetic algorithms) and others using neural nets. If we put “genetic algorithms” and “fuzzy linear regression” into the search engine there are less than 200 references. A recent reference is [11]. We feel that one problem with using a GA is that it can converge to a local minimum and to avoid this you need to start it with many different randomly generated initial populations. Also, we believe that our Monte Carlo method is easier to apply than a genetic algorithm, once you have a quasi-random number generator in your computer. Next we searched for “neural nets” and “fuzzy linear regression” getting less than 100 references. A key reference on this topic is [6].

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