
The project aims to develop an FCM (Fuzzy Cognitive Map) whose function is to assess the quality level of students at Federal Technological University of Parana, Campus Cornelio Procopio (UTFPR-CP). The FCM combines aspects of other intelligent techniques. This tool has inference capacity through concepts and causal relationships between them (the level of influence between the variables of the model). Its development begins with the determination of the possible areas that would affect, or would fit as indicators for “Level of Satisfaction” in UTFPR-CP. Through online forms, it was possible to quantify the influence of following initially detected areas: teacher training, structures of laboratories and class rooms, housing, library and cleaning. In general, education institutions do not have tools that provide a critical analysis of its quality. This work aims to propose a tool for improving the institution in a medium/long term. So that: with the development of the FCM model, it was possible to identify the positive and negative points that affecting the level of satisfaction in UTFPR-CP.

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