
For motor handicapped persons, the use of computer interface devices could be a challenging task. Two research venues have been explored to address the usability problem for handicapped users of computer systems. In the first, the focus is on development of new peripheral devices to accommodate the needs of such users. The second venue, which is the focus of this article, addresses the development of efficient rehabilitation algorithms that can adapt existing interface devices to commands from handicapped users. The main goal of this article is to analyze the existing software adaptation platform PLatform to Evaluate ICT for Assistance with a focus on evaluating and enhancing the use of pointing devices for increased adaptation to interface commands. In the first part of this article, a new quantitative analysis approach is presented, which is useful to occupational therapists in choosing among existing information and communication technologies. We define quantification indicators to be used in the analysis of a person's movements. The proposed indicators would be classified in two categories: Task indicators and adaption indicators. In the second part of the article, we present a fuzzy rehabilitation complementary module that adapts the user command without the need to adjust the interface device. The subject is a quadriplegic 12-year-old boy. The test was conducted using five attempts after a brief description and a small demonstration of the experiment. The test was rerun the second day for another five attempts. The subject could not command the joystick in the left direction without a customized device. With a customized device, he was able to control properly the mouse cursor on the screen. The adaptation technique used in this work helped the subject to properly control the computer pointing device. The evaluation technique helped assess the subject and give the proper parameters to the adaptation algorithm.

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