
Concurrency vulnerabilities are an irresistible threat to security, and detecting them is challenging. Triggering the concurrency vulnerabilities requires a specific thread interleaving and a bug-inducing input. Existing methods have focused on one of these but not both or have experimented with small programs, which raises scalability issues.This paper introduces AutoInter-fuzzing, a fuzzer controlling thread interleavings elaborately and providing an interleaving-aware power schedule to detect vulnerabilities in a multi-threaded program. AutoInter-fuzzing consists of static analysis and dynamic fuzzing. At the static analysis, the fuzzer extracts and optimizes the interleaving space to be explored and adds instrumentation to control thread interleavings. We apply the power schedule in the dynamic fuzzing to focus on the seeds that reveal the new interleaving space. The fuzzer records the interleaving information in a log when a crash occurs and uses it to reproduce and validate the crash.Experiments with 13 real-world multi-threaded programs show that the interleaving-aware power schedule effectively enlarges the untested interleaving space, and AutoInter-fuzzing outperforms AFL and ConAFL in detecting interleaving-relevant vulnerabilities. AutoInter-fuzzing has detected six interleaving-relevant vulnerabilities, including two new vulnerabilities and four interleaving-irrelevant vulnerabilities.

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