
AbstractAs the needs of the modern supply chain industry grows bigger, the technology to deal the complexities demands a simple but an resilient solutions that meets both profitability and yet environmental needs for the organizations, Kirchner (Five ways to weather supply-chain disruptions). Supply Chain Industry have already started their digital transformation journey by adopting futuristic technologies like Machine Learning to sense a specific event across the supply chain and solve problems such as delivery delays and weather-related disruptions in unexpected ways (Kirchner in Five ways to weather supply-chain disruptions). In addition to AI and Machine learning, supply chain industry also warrants new technology like Internet of Things (IoT) and Blockchain to improve the operations excellence by bringing more automation in product monitoring and control along with the application of Smart contract to establish the statement of trust between supply chain stakeholders. This work has been designed to provide readers an comprehensive and yet with critical insights in the context of current advancements and the future vision around the technologies like Internet of Things (IoT), Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning, Blockchain and Quantum Computing within supply chain domain.KeywordsAIMachine learningIoTValue chainRFIDEPCQR codeTensorflowKerasInboundOutboundBlockchainSmart contractIndustry 4.0

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