
Future Technology Development. Future technologies could consist of tangible objects like robots, drones, and wearable technology. These can occasionally be utilized as human-powered tools to gather data, access information, or carry out helpful tasks nearby. Current and upcoming technologies are the main topics of Introduction to Technology. It covers the study of technology with a focus on management, operations, industries, specialized knowledge, security, interpersonal relationships, and developing technologies. India is now engaged in the development of cutting-edge technologies including 5G, AI, blockchain, augmented reality, virtual reality, robots, natural language processing, etc. Robotics, artificial intelligence, machine learning, and other technological advancements have greatly sped up transition. By 2025, 50 billion connected devices will make up the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), and 70 percent of manufacturers will be employing digital twins. Everybody who has access to virtual reality or augmented reality gadgets by the year 2040 will also have access to a digital virtual assistant. Virtual assistants can now be created on language model platforms that are significantly more powerful than previous language models, such as GPT-3. The VIKOR (VIšekriterijumsko Kompromisno Rangiranje) Optimal replacement Select method is used in Water, Carbon dioxide, Nitrogen gas, Oxygen, Silicon oxide, Calcium carbonate, Iron oxide, and Enthalpy (kJ/mol), Entropy (kJ/mol), Exergy (kJ/mol). Water, Carbon dioxide, Nitrogen gas, Oxygen, Silicon oxide, Calcium carbonate, and Iron oxide. Enthalpy (kJ/mol), Entropy (kJ/mol), Exergy (kJ/mol). Water got the first rank whereas Calcium carbonate is having the lowest rank.

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