
Approximately 50% of the area planted to softwood trees in South Africa has been established with Pinus patula, making it the most important pine species in the country. More effort has gone into developing this species for improved growth, tree form and wood properties than with any other species. This substantial investment has been threatened in the last 10 years by the pitch canker fungus, Fusarium circinatum. The fungus infects and contaminates nursery plants and, once transferred to the field, causes severe mortality of young trees in the first year after establishment. Although nurserymen have some control of the disease, it is recognised that the best long-term solution to mitigate damage because of F. circinatum infection is to identify tolerant species, clones and hybrids for deployment in plantations in the future. Research has shown that alternative species such as P. tecunumanii, P. maximinoi and P. elliottii are suitable for warm sites. Pine hybrids, particularly between P. patula and the high-elevation sources of P. tecunumanii, appear to be a suitable replacement on subtemperate and temperate sites. Although these alternative species and hybrids are more sensitive to subfreezing temperatures than P. patula, their planting range can be increased by including cold tolerance as a selection criterion. Future breeding efforts will most certainly focus on improving the tolerance of pure P. patula to F. circinatum, which can be achieved by identifying specific family crosses and tolerant clones. The commercial deployment of disease-tolerant control-pollinated P. patula and hybrid families will most likely be established as rooted cuttings, which requires more advanced propagation technology. In the long term, new seed orchards comprised of P. patula clones tolerant to F. circinatum could be used to produce seed for seedling production.

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