
The integration of robotic technology and artificial intelligence (AI) in implant dentistry has ushered in a new era of precision and efficiency. This abstractaims to understand the integration, implications, potential, and challenges of robotic technology and AIin implant dentistry. Robotic systems offer unparalleled accuracy in implant placement, reducing human error and improving treatment outcomes. AI algorithms analyze extensive patient data to assist in diagnosis, treatment planning, and implant design, optimizing the overall process. Successful case studies demonstrate improved implant survival rates and patient satisfaction. However, ethical considerations and the balance between human expertise and reliance on technology must be addressed. Ongoing research aims to enhance these technologies and integrate them with digital workflows. Collaboration and knowledge sharing among practitioners, researchers, and industry experts are essential to drive progress and ensure responsible implementation. The future of implant dentistry lies in harnessing the potential of robotics and AI while upholding the highest standards of patient care and ethical practice.

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