
Problem statement. The digital transformation of higher education significantly affects the organization of pedagogical universities students’ research activities. Therefore, two important problems can be identified. Firstly, the matter of discovering information technology tools and directions for their use for the implementation of research work of future mathematics teachers studying in 1-2 courses. And secondly, the problem of choosing a mathematical topic, the solution of which with the help of digital technologies would lead to some interesting results that have elements of novelty. The purpose of this study is to identify the line of research of a mathematical nature, the implementation of which relies heavily on the dynamic mathematics software GeoGebra’s features. Methodology. Some features of the GeoGebra dynamic mathematics software and its application in geometric studies are analyzed. To study geometric figures, methods of visualization of mathematical objects and of experimental mathematics are used. Results. Some possibilities of dynamic mathematics software applicability in research and development of pedagogical universities’ mathematical profile students are considered. In these circumstances, the emphasis is on research related to the study of spatial curves and their planar projections, the construction of which naturally relies on the principles of displaying three-dimensional objects on a screen. The role of dynamic mathematics software in such studies mainly lies in the visualization of considered geometric objects, which makes it possible to identify possible properties of the constructed curves, and then, using available mathematical apparatus, to confirm their validity. Conclusion. The direction of designing and studying geometric objects using the GeoGebra dynamic mathematics software, which formed the basis of several research works of undergraduate students, is presented.

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