
Numerous spectra of the magnetic white dwarf Grw +70 8247 were obtained with the double CCD spectrograph at Palomar with signal-to-noise ratio above 100. Five weak absorptions in the blue and four in the red are produced by hydrogen in a strong magnetic field. New, precise, multiparameter, variational energy levels yielding intensity and wavelength, from 100 to 600 MG are presented. A search for those Zeeman components with wavelengths nearly constant with field is carried out. Two such Zeeman components which are relatively sharp and strong Pi transitions, explain the Minkowski band, 4137 A (known since 1938), as the 2s0-4f0 and the 5855 A band as the 2s0-3p0. Both have minimum wavelengths at B of about 300 MG. Their absorptions resemble band heads degraded to the red, as observed. The mixed nature of the 4f0 level results in an intensity ratio (2s0-4f0)/(2s0-3p0) = 0.58 at 280 MG, high for a line forbidden at zero field. Profiles computed for a pole-on dipole, near log Bp = 8.5, fit the two observed lines. Other hydrogen transitions (including the core of Ly-alpha) are consistent with the field strength. Six models with a variety of Bp and inclination are illustrated to show the quality of fit to the observations.

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