
The transformation of the slow contracting larval m. obliquus lateralis caudalis II during metamorphosis into the asynchronous indirect flight muscle, m. obliquus lateralis dorsalis, in the Colorado beetle, Leptinotarsa decemlineata, was examined by electron microscopy. Particular attention was paid to the fate of the larval muscle fibres, the origin and behaviour of the myoblasts for flight muscle development and the change of the myofibrillar filament lattice of the larva into that of the adult. In the pre-pupal period, the larval muscles dedifferentiate and fragment. At pupation, the muscle fibres consist of cell fragments containing very few myofibrils. The sarcoplasmic reticulum and the transverse tubular system are greatly reduced. The number of myoblasts developed from satellite cells by mitosis increases considerably. They penetrate the muscle fibre and surround the cell fragments. The new fibres of the flight muscle develop from myocytes fused with the larval fragments. The larval basal lamina, surrounding the cell fragments and myoblasts, is present in pupae up to 1 day old. In pupae about 2.5 days old new myofibrils appear that have the adult filament lattice. The insect muscle transformation and the repair of vertebrate muscle after injury show striking resemblances.

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