
A newborn was found to have an isochromosome for the short arm of chromosome 9, i(9p) and a jumping translocation of the whole long arm. In 94.4% metaphases, 9q was fused to the telomere of chromosome 19p and, in 5.6% of metaphases, 9q was fused to the telomere of chromosome 8p. The net result was trisomy for the short arm of chromosome 9. With the pan telomere probe, fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) investigations found an interstitial telomere on the der(19) and der(8). The 9 beta and classical satellite probes gave a signal only on the long arm of chromosome 9 involved in the jumping translocation. The 9 alpha satellite probe hybridized to i(9p) and not to the other derivative chromosomes. A combination of chromosome 9 (red) and chromosome 19 (green) paint probes used to rapidly screen metaphases for the jumping translocation found 88 metaphases had a der(19)t(9;19) and 4metaphases had a der(8)t(8;9). For the first time, the junction of a jumping translocation has been shown to involve the telomere sequence (TTAGGG)n and beta-satellite sequences by FISH. In this paper, we also review the simultaneous occurrence of an isochromosome for the short arm and translocation of the whole long arm and constitutional jumping translocations.

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