
Recent advancements in Single-Image Super-Resolution (SISR) have explored the network architecture of deep-learning models to achieve a better perceptual quality of super-resolved images. However, the effect of the objective function, which contributes to improving the performance and perceptual quality of super-resolved images, has not gained much attention. This paper proposes a novel super-resolution architecture called Progressive Multi-Residual Fusion Network (PMRF), which fuses the learning objective functions of L2 and Multi-Scale SSIM in a progressively upsampling framework structure. Specifically, we propose a Residual-in-Residual Dense Blocks (RRDB) architecture on a progressively upsampling platform that reconstructs the high-resolution image during intermediate steps in our super-resolution network. Additionally, the Depth-Wise Bottleneck Projection allows high-frequency information of early network layers to be bypassed through the upsampling modules of the network. Quantitative and qualitative evaluation of benchmark datasets demonstrate that the proposed PMRF super-resolution algorithm with novel fusion objective function (L2 and MS-SSIM) improves our model’s perceptual quality and accuracy compared to other state-of-the-art models. Moreover, this model demonstrates robustness against noise degradation and achieves an acceptable trade-off between network efficiency and accuracy.

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