
To verify an applicability of ZrCo hydride to the D-T gas storage and delivery system (SDS) in nuclear fusion fuel cycles, a new design of the ZrCo bed using rectangular tray configuration was developed by the Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI). The objectives of this new design are (i) achievement of rapid hydrogen delivery performance on a ZrCo hydride bed, (ii) simplification of the bed internal configuration for manufacturing cost saving and (iii) improvement of operation reliability in 20 years operation of the nuclear fusion fuel cycles. The ZrCo bed composed of three trays was fabricated. ZrCo powder of 414 g per tray packed in thin wire mesh bags was placed on the surface of each tray. A filter plate of a large surface area, which enables to minimize pressure drop through the filter during rapid delivery of hydrogen from the hydride bed, was welded on the top of each tray. This paper presents details of the tray configuration and test results of hydrogen recovery and delivery performance of the bed.

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