
Every fusion category $\\mathcal{C}$ that is $k$-linear over a suitable field $k$ is the category of finite-dimensional comodules of a weak Hopf algebra $H$. This weak Hopf algebra is finite-dimensional, cosemisimple and has commutative bases. It arises as the universal coend with respect to the long canonical functor $\\omega\\colon\\mathcal{C}\\to \\mathbf{Vect}\_k$. We show that $H$ is a quotient $H=H\\mathcal{G}/I$ of a weak bialgebra $H\\mathcal{G}$ which has a combinatorial description in terms of a finite directed graph $\\mathcal{G}$ that depends on the choice of a generator $M$ of $\\mathcal{C}$ and on the fusion coefficients of $\\mathcal{C}$. The algebra underlying $H\\mathcal{G}$ is the path algebra of the quiver $\\mathcal{G}\\times\\mathcal{G}$, and so the composability of paths in $\\mathcal{G}$ parameterizes the truncation of the tensor product of $\\mathcal{C}$. The ideal $I$ is generated by two types of relations. The first type enforces that the tensor powers of the generator $M$ have the appropriate endomorphism algebras, thus providing a Schur–Weyl dual description of $\\mathcal{C}$. If $\\mathcal{C}$ is braided, this includes relations of the form ‘$RTT=TTR$’ where $R$ contains the coefficients of the braiding on $\\omega M\\otimes\\omega M$, a generalization of the construction of Faddeev–Reshetikhin–Takhtajan to weak bialgebras. The second type of relations removes a suitable set of group-like elements in order to make the category of finite-dimensional comodules equivalent to $\\mathcal{C}$ over all tensor powers of the generator $M$. As examples, we treat the modular categories associated with $U_q(\\mathfrak{sl}\_2)$.

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