
The tarnished plant bug, Lygus lineolaris (Palisot de Beauvois), is an important insect pest in cotton that feeds on reproductive fruit, contributing to yield loss. Economically damaging infestations of L. lineolaris have doubled in Virginia since 2013. Escalation of L. lineolaris abundance may increase Fusarium hardlock disease observed in this region, compounding economic losses. Research has linked Fusarium hardlock with fungal species Fusarium verticillioides and F. proliferatum. Field and greenhouse experiments were performed to investigate (i) Fusarium hardlock occurrence in field plots managed and unmanaged for L. lineolaris, (ii) severity of F. verticillioides infection of cotton bolls with and without the presence of L. lineolaris feeding in a greenhouse setting, and (iii) Fusarium species composition and prevalence within field-collected L. lineolaris and cotton lint with and without insect feeding injury and hardlock symptoms present. Nearly twice the amount of hardlock (i.e., proportion of hardlocked locules) occurred in field-collected bolls with L. lineolaris feeding symptoms (0.40 ± 0.02) compared with bolls without (0.21 ± 0.01). Based on real-time quantitative PCR, cotton bolls exposed to F. verticillioides inoculum and caged with L. lineolaris adults had greater levels of F. verticillioides DNA compared with untreated bolls. F. proliferatum, F. verticillioides, and F. fujikuroi were isolated from field-collected L. lineolaris and hardlocked cotton lint at harvest. These findings suggest that the presence of L. lineolaris is associated with an increased risk of Fusarium hardlock in Southeastern cotton, and both should be carefully managed using timely insecticide applications and cultural control practices to minimize yield loss.

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