
Seven new taxa in two families of metastrongyloid nematodes are described from the lungs of five host species belonging to the Dasyuridae, Phalangeridae and Macropodidae. Filaroides (Filaroides) athertonensis, sp. nov., (Filaroididae) is described from Thylogale stigmatica Gould in north Queensland. The following species of Marsupostrongylus Mackerras & Sandars, 1953, (Angiostrongylidae) are described as new: M. parallelus, sp. nov., from Satanellus hallucatus (Could) in the Northern Territory; M. pseudominesi, sp. nov., from Trichosurus vulpecula johnstonii (Ramsay) in north Queensland; M. vandiemeni, sp. nov., from macro pus rufogriseus rufogriseus (Desmarest) in Tasmania; and M. wallabiae, sp. nov., from Wallabia bicolor (Desmarest) and Macropus rufogriseus banksianus (Quoy & Gaimard) in New South Wales. To the formerly monotypic genus Filostrongylus Mackenas, 1955, (Angiostrongylidae) is added F. tridendriticus, sp. nov., described from Trichosurus vulpecula (Kerr) in Tasmania. The genus Cosmostrongylus (Angiostrongylidae) is described as new, with a single species C. conspectus, sp. nov., from Thylogale stigmatica Gould in north Queensland. Durikainema sp. (Muspiceoidea: Robertdollfusidae) is diagnosed in histological sections of the lungs of Phascolarctos cinereus (Goldfuss), Macropus agilis (Could) and M. giganteus Shaw. Keys to the genera of lung parasites and to all species of Filaroides, Marsupostrongylus and Filostrongylus known from Australian marsupials, new host and new geographic records of known taxa, and a host-parasite list of lung parasites of Australian marsupials, including those known only from histological sections of lung tissue, are provided.

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