
RECENTLY, Jukes (1940) and Hegsted, Mills, Elvehjem, and Hart (1941) reported that choline prevented perosis in chicks fed a ration adequate in manganese. These investigators also noted that choline was essential for growth in chicks. Hogan and associates (1941) also observed that choline was one of the specific organic nutrients, in addition to manganese, needed to prevent perosis in chicks. Jukes (1941) also showed that choline was effective in preventing perosis in turkeys and that egg lecithin gave similar results. He also reported that soybean oil meal and sardine meal were good sources of the anti-perotic factor.At the time Jukes (1940) reported that choline was effective in preventing perosis in turkeys fed a ration adequate in manganese, we had in progress studies employing a ration similar to that described by Bauernfeind et al. (1938) on which a large percentage of the chicks developed perosis. This type of the chicks .

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