
SUMMARYPlots of light sandy soil at Ormskirk carefully fenced in to prevent re‐contamination were treated with sulphur at rates of 10 cwts. and 15 cwts. per acre. The sulphur was incorporated by means of the Simar Rotary Tiller. A planting of King Edward and a replanting of Arran Chief varieties in the treated plots almost completely failed to grow. On the few plants which developed, Wart Disease was present in less quantity than on the plants in the untreated controls.A plot of heavy clay soil at Hatfield was treated with 3 tons of sulphur per acre incorporated by means of the Simar Rotary Tiller. Plants of King Edward variety grew well but showed a considerable amount of Wart Disease.Plots of land at Ormskirk which in 1924 had received amounts of sulphur varying up to one ton per acre were in 1925 given a dressing of lime and planted with Majestic variety of potatoes. No effect of the previous treatment on the crop was apparent.We are indebted to the Piccard Pictet Company for the loan of the 4 h.p. Simar Rotary Tiller used in these experiments.

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