
We report our further anaesthetic experience with Etomidate in 100 patients. The cardiovascular and respiratory systems were not significantly affected but intraocular pressure was reduced. The occurrence of pain during injection of Etomidate was unaffected by analgesic premedication but was reduced by using a solution buffered to a higher pH and by choosing a big vein for injection. The myoclonic movements often seen with Etomidate anaesthesia were transient and have so far not created any major problem; they were reduced by a slower speed of injection but unaffected by diazepam premedication or pretreatment with low dose of a non-depolarizing muscle relaxant (pancuronium). Etomidate is a satisfactory alternative to thiopentone in situations where depression of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems are undersirable or where barbiturates are otherwise contraindicated and is a usefull addition to the induction agents in our anaesthetic practice.

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