
In recent experimental work on the substitution of soybean meal in chick rations for meat scrap and fish meal, a study was made of the effect upon growth and bone development of omitting supplementary phosphorus from the rations which contained no animal protein feedstuffs.Two basal rations were fed in this work. Ration 1 was composed of 2 percent yellow corn meal, 25 percent crushed wheat, 10 percent ground oats, 5 percent dehydrated alfalfa meal, 30 percent soybean meal, 0.5 percent B-Y feed, 2 percent pulverized limestone, 0.5 percent iodized salt, plus 100 A.O.A.C. units of vitamin D per 100 grams in the form of activated animal sterol. Ration 2, except for the use of wheat by-products in the place of crushed wheat, was identical with ration 1. Rations 3 and 4 were the same as rations 1 and 2, respectively, except for the inclusion of 2 percent of steamed .

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