
The author’s model for evaporation from water pools is further developed and verified. Further development includes the determination of wind velocity in application to outdoor pools. A value for this height at which wind velocity is to be determined is proposed and verified through analysis of test data. Furthermore, a method for calculating the velocity at this height from measurements at other heights is proposed and verified by analysis of test data. The air velocity above indoor pools is discussed and recommendations are made for the velocity to be used in calculations. The model is further verified with new data that include those for an outdoor swimming pool (there were none before) and data for air at temperatures up to 269 °C, with the maximum temperature in previous data analysis being 200 °C. All data were also compared to 20 other prediction methods. The Shah model had a mean absolute deviation of 15.9% for 537 data points from 29 sources. All others had much larger deviations.

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