
Accurate calibration of dose rate during laboratory irradiations of the aliquots using a 90Sr/90Y beta source mounted on the reader system is a key factor in luminescence dating of geological samples. The Z-dependent backscatter and build up effects are the major concerns which result into variation in apparent dose rate from aliquot to aliquot. Recently it has been proposed that there may be a practical advantage in using a high Z substrate because of the higher dose rate. In this regard, the author would like to add that use of high Z substrates may not be of much use although they facilitate higher dose rates due to beta backscattering and bremsstrahlung production. Since the typical radioactivity of 90Sr/90Y source in RISO readers is ~(10-50) mCi or so, the bremsstrahlung radiation associated with higher Z substrates/cups may be substantial and leads to large errors because over-response corrections are generally not included while establishing standardization and calibrating the beta doses. In view of this, it is recommended that while performing beta irradiations in RISO readers, the low Z substrates like Al (Z ≤13) may be preferred over high Z substrates like stainless steel or platinum, so as to minimize the bremsstrahlung contribution. The use of low Z substrates like Al also does not pose any serious operational problems while recording OSL or TL except at higher temperatures preferably above 500oC.

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