
The syntypes (H.R.E. Handel-Mazzetti 8896 and H.R.E. Handel-Mazzetti 9280) of Androsacemollis Hand.-Mazz. are identified as two separate taxa based on critical examinations of herbarium specimens and field investigation. While H.R.E. Handel-Mazzetti 8896 has been designated as the lectotype of A.mollis, we describe the other taxon, represented by H.R.E. Handel-Mazzetti 9280, as A.chimingiana Y.Xu & G.Hao sp. nov. The new species is morphologically similar to A.hookeriana Klatt and A.laxa C.M.Hu & Y.C.Yang but can be easily differentiated by its white corolla and obovate bracts.

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