
Ferredoxin-dependent nitrite reductase of spinach has been further characterized and the relationship between this enzyme and methyl viologen-dependent nitrite reductase studied. Purified ferredoxin nitrite reductase, having a molecular weight of 86, 000, showed 2.5 times higher ferredoxin-dependent activity than methyl viologen-linked activity. Besides 4 mol of labile sulfide the enzyme contained about 2 mol of siroheme per mol. When dithionite, methyl viologen and nitrite were added, ESR signals of a heme nitrosyl complex at g=2.14, 2.07 and 2.02 were observed. Moreover, hyperfine splitting of the signal due to 14N nuclear spin was also observed at 2.033, 2.023 and 2.013. The sole addition of hydroxylamine to the ferric enzyme also caused the same but much less intense signals with the hyperfine splitting. On treatment of the ferredoxin nitrite reductase (native enzyme) with DEAE-Sephadex A-50 chromatography, a modified nitrite reductase having a molecular weight of 61, 000 and a protein fraction having an apparent molecular weight of 24, 000 were separated. The modified enzyme contained about one mol of siroheme and 4 mol of labile sulfide per mol and showed essentially the same heme ESR signals as the native enzyme. Contrary to the native enzyme, this modified enzyme accepted electrons more efficiently from methyl viologen than ferredoxin and the reduction of nitrite to ammonia catalyzed by the modified enzyme was not stoichiometric. The observed nitrite to ammonia ratio was 1 to less than 0.6. Cyanide at concentrations between 0.02 to 0.2 mM inhibited the activity of the native enzyme almost completely but the modified enzyme was inhibited only partially. From the results obtained, it is suggested that the native ferredoxin-linked nitrite reductase consists of two components (or subunits) and removal of the light component results in formation of a modified enzyme with increased relative affinity to methyl viologen.

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