
A new genus and species of Short-winged Flower Beetle, Furcalabratum burmanicum gen. et sp. nov. (Coleoptera: Kateretidae), is described from mid-Cretaceous Myanmar amber. The new genus is characterized by its small size (2.6 mm in length), prognathous head with extended forked mandibles, porrect forked labrum, 11- segmented antenna terminated with a loose 3-segmented glabrous club, beaded chain around the rim of the compound eye, punctures on the head and pronotum, elytra with striae and irregular transverse grooves, ridged femora, tarsal formula 5-5-5 with membranous appendages on the first three tarsomeres, claws with a prominent basal tooth and abbreviated elytra exposing the terminal 3 tergites.

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