
ABSTRACT: Suboptimal LH surges can lead to delayed or absent ovulation during reproductive management programs in cattle. Several signaling pathways may enhance the LH signal, potentially including growth factors. In the present study, we determined whether Fibroblast growth factor 18 (FGF18), which mimics some actions of the LH surge on granulosa cells, may potentiate the action of a suboptimal dose of LH using an established bovine granulosa cell (GC) culture system. Addition of recombinant FGF18 increased the concentration of progesterone (P4) in the culture medium. A combination of LH and FGF18 in the culture medium increased the abundance of mRNA encoding EREG, EGR1 and EGR3, proteins that are early modulators of the LH-induced pre-ovulatory cascade. This study demonstrated that FGF18 may be a co-factor in the regulation of the pre-ovulatory cascade in bovine ovarian granulosa cells.

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