
Modern interactive teaching at preschool teacher training colleges, in accordance with the rapid and progressive changes in the world of information and communication technologies, implies the application and use of series of programme packages enriching and facilitating not only the education of future preschool teachers, but also the practical work with children of preschool age. The goal of the research conducted on the sample consisting from the students of the Preschool Teacher Training College in Kruševac, as the part of teaching the Methodology of initial mathematical notions and the Methodology of speech development, was to test the functionality of the educational software GeoGebra in the domain of interactive fairy tales creation. Several variables have been tested with regard to functionality, among them: Applicability of Geogebra programme of in mathematical and didactical games of preschool children; Suitability of Geogebra for the interactive fairy tales creation; Possibility of use of mathematical and didactical games in correlation with the speech development games; Possibility of including games from Geogebra programme in educational work; Quality of mathematical and didactical games in Geogebra programme. The methodological plan implied having 2 groups of testees which practiced Geogebra. In group 1, an experimental factora was introduced - the increased number of weeks practicing Geogebra (6 weeks of practicing in comparison with 4 weeks of practicing in the 2nd group of students). After the practicing period, using Questionnaire (construed for the research needs), as well as five-degree Likert-type assessment scales, the testing was conducted with regard to the opionion of students in both groups on the functionality of the Geogebra programme package concerning the interactive fairy talses creation. The research results have shown there is a positive effect of practicing Geogebra to the interactive fairy tales creation (the students from the group in which the expiremental factor had been introduced assessed more positively The applicability of Geogebra programme than the students from the control group which practiced Geogebra for fewer hours). Similar results have been obtained in the domain of Usability of mathematical and didactical games from the Geogebra programme, where the students from the experimental group achived substantially higher scores on the functionality scale.


  • „Geogebra je program za dinamičku matematiku koji povezuje geometriju, algebru i analizu

  • Inicira se i značajan motivacioni impuls za stvaraoce, u našem slučaju studente vaspitačkih škola, da njihovi radovi postanu dostupni širokoj populaciji i oceni javnosti

  • Kurs Geogebre se na Visokoj školi za vaspitače u Kruševcu realizuje od školske 2013/14. godine u okviru predmeta Matematičkodidaktičke igre na osnovnim studijama i na specijalističkim studijama u sadržaju predmeta Početno matematičko obrazovanje

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Sažetak: Savremena interaktivna nastava na visokim strukovnim školama za vaspitače, koja ide u korak sa brzim i progresivnim promenama u svetu informacionokomunikacionih tehnologija, podrazumeva primenu i upotrebu niza programskih paketa koji obogaćuju i olakšavaju ne samo obrazovanje budućih vaspitača, već i praktičan rad sa decom predškolskog uzrasta. U okviru funkcionalnosti ispitivano je više varijabli, među kojima su: Primenljivost programa Geogebra u matematičko-didaktičkim igrama dece predškolskog uzrasta; Pogodnost programa Geogebra za kreiranje interaktivnih bajki; Mogućnosti korišćenja matematičko-didaktičkih igara u korelaciji sa igrama za razvoj govora; Mogućnost uključivanja igara iz programa Geogebra u vaspitno-obrazovni rad; Kvalitet matematičko-didaktičkih igara u programu Geogebra. Korišćenjem Upitnika (konstruisanog za potrebe istraživanja), kao i petostepenih skala procene Likertovog tipa, izvršeno je ispitivanje mišljenja studenata obe grupe o funkcionalnosti programskog paketa Geogebra u kreiranju interaktivnih bajki. Rezultati istraživanja su pokazali da postoji pozitivan efekat vežbanja u Geogebri na kreiranje interaktivnih bajki (studenti iz grupe u koju je uveden eksperimentalni faktor pozitivnije su procenjivali Primenljivost programa Geogebra od studenata iz kontrolne grupe, koja je manji broj sati vežbala Geogebru).

Predmet i ciljevi istraživanja
Prikaz i diskusija rezultata istraživanja
Pogodnost programa Geogebra za kreiranje interaktivnih bajki
Upotrebljivost matematičko didaktičkih igara iz programa
UKUPAN broj svih izbora
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