
Many species of medically important fungi are prolific in the formation of asexual spores. Spores undergo a process of active swelling and cell wall remodelling before a germ tube is formed and filamentous growth ensues. Highly elongated germ tubes are known to be difficult to phagocytose and pose particular challenges for immune phagocytes. However, the significance of the earliest stages of spore germination during immune cell interactions has not been investigated and yet this is likely to be important for defence against sporogenous fungal pathogens. We show here that macrophages restrict the early phases of the spore germination process of Aspergillus fumigatus and Mucor circinelloides including the initial phase of spore swelling, spore germination and early polarised growth. Macrophages are therefore adept at retarding germination as well as subsequent vegetative growth which is likely to be critical for immune surveillance and protection against sporulating fungi.

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