
Fungal breakdown of plant material rich in lignin and cellulose (i.e. lignocellulose) is of central importance to terrestrial carbon (C) cycling due to the abundance of lignocellulose above and below-ground. Fungal growth on lignocellulose is particularly influential in tropical forests, as woody debris and plant litter contain between 50% and 75% lignocellulose by weight, and can account for 20% of the C stored in these ecosystems. In this study, we evaluated factors affecting fungal growth on a common wood substrate along a wet tropical elevation gradient in the Peruvian Andes. We had three objectives: 1) to determine the temperature sensitivity of fungal growth – i.e. Q 10, the factor by which fungal biomass increases given a 10 °C temperature increase; 2) to assess the potential for above-ground fungal colonization and growth on lignocellulose in a wet tropical forest; and 3) to characterize the community composition of fungal wood decomposers across the elevation gradient. We found that fungal growth had a Q 10 of 3.93 (95% CI of 2.76–5.61), indicating that fungal biomass accumulation on the wood substrate nearly quadrupled with a 10 °C increase in temperature. The Q 10 for fungal growth on wood at our site is higher than Q 10 values reported for litter decomposition in other tropical forests. Moreover, we found that above-ground fungal growth on the wood substrate ranged between 37% and 50% of that measured in the soil, suggesting above-ground breakdown of lignocellulose represents an unexplored component of the C cycle in wet tropical forests. Fungal community composition also changed significantly along the elevation gradient, and Ascomycota were the dominant wood decomposers at all elevations. Fungal richness did not change significantly with elevation, directly contrasting with diversity patterns observed for plant and animal taxa across this gradient. Significant variation in fungal community composition across the gradient suggests that the characteristics of fungal decomposer communities are, directly or indirectly, influenced by temperature.

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