
AbstractHealthy and declining English oak (Quercus robur) and Turkey oak (Q. cerris) in north‐western Italy, in a plain oak forest showing decline for oak puzzle disease, were tested to assess possible variations in the composition of their fungal endophytic communities and their relation to the health status of trees. Samples collected in spring (buds) and in autumn (leaves, annual shoots and twigs) were surface‐sterilized, cut into fragments and placed on potato dextrose agar for a month; 26 fungal species were isolated, the most frequent being Tubakia dryina, Dendrodochium sp., Eutypella sp. and a sterile mycelium. Correspondence analysis showed significant qualitative differences between assemblages inhabiting twigs and herbaceous tissues that were due to the low frequency of Tubakia dryina in twigs and its higher frequency in buds, leaves and shoots. Tubakia dryina was isolated more frequently from leaves of declining oaks and from buds of healthy oaks; Monochaetia monochaeta showed a preference for healthy trees, especially leaves and buds. According to the Shannon–Wiener index, endophytic fungal communities of leaves, twigs and buds of declining English oak were poorer than those of declining Turkey oak, but there were no significant differences between healthy hosts.

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