
Purpose:To study fundus findings in patients of mild,moderate, and severe degree of anaemia presenting to the tertiary health care centre. Methods:This was a prospective observational study that involved25 patients of anemiacomplaining of blurring of vision, conjunctival pallor, pain, subconjunctival hemorrhage and eyelid swelling. Results:There were 20females and 5 males and the age group taken was 20 to 50 years.Out of 25 patients of nutritional anemia, 12 patients belonged to the age group of 20 to 30 years, out of which 10 were females and 2 weremales. 8 patients belonged to age group of 30 to 40 years, out of which 6 were females and 2 were males. 5 patients belonged to the age group of 40 to 50 years, out of which 4 were females and 1 was male.In our study, it was found that 5 patients belonged to the category of severe anemia with hemoglobin [<6 gm/dl], 8 patients belonged to the category of moderate anemia with hemoglobin ranging between 6-10 gm/dl, 12 patients belonged to the category of mild anemia with hemoglobin ranging between 10-12 gm/dl.On looking for various fundus manifestations in different grades of anemia viz.mild, moderate and severe anemia, we found out that the incidence of retinal vascular changes in the form of venous dilation and tortuosity, pale disc, roth spots, macular edema,subhyaloid hemorrhages, dot – blot and flame shaped hemorrhages showed an increasing trend with increase in severity of anemia. Conclusion:There is a high prevalence of anemia in India which affects female gender more than male gender. Anemic retinopathy is not an uncommon condition but it is generally asymptomatic and gets noted incidentally during general workup of the patients. It has variable presentation in different patients with different grades of anemia.

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