
Biorepositories, the coordinating hubs for the collection and annotation of biospecimens, are under increasing financial pressure and are challenged to remain sustainable. To gain a better understanding of the current funding situation for Canadian biorepositories and the relative contributions they receive from different funding sources, the Canadian Tumour Repository Network (CTRNet) conducted two surveys. The first survey targeted CTRNet's six main nodes to ascertain the relative funding sources and levels of user fees. The second survey was targeted to a broader range of biorepositories (n=45) to ascertain business practices in application of user fees. The results show that >70% of Canadian biorepositories apply user fees and that the majority apply differential fees to different user groups (academic vs. industry, local vs. international). However, user fees typically comprise only 6% of overall operational budgets. We conclude that while strategies to drive up user fee levels need to be implemented, it is essential for the many stakeholders in the biomedical health research sector to consider this issue in order to ensure the ongoing availability of research biospecimens and data that are standardized, high-quality, and that are therefore capable of meeting research needs.

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