
Funding is very critical for the sustainability of special education. Funding aids in the realization of special educational objectives. Funding of special education is affected under depressed economy. This paper looked at the concept of funding, concept of depressed economics and the concept of alternatives sources. This paper also discussed various alternatives sources of funding options available for special education in a depressed economy. Relying on secondary data that were collected from print and online publications, the paper identified public private partnerships (PPPs), non-governmental organisations (NGOs), international development agencies, community partnership, donations from individuals and charitable organisations, endowment funds, old boy association partnership as some of the alternatives sources of funding available for funding of special education in a depressed economy. Based on this, the paper recommended that special education managers should embrace public private partnerships (PPPs) model, non-governmental organisations (NGOs) strategy, international development agencies strategy, community partnership strategy, donations from individuals and charitable organisations strategy, endowment funds strategy and old boy association partnership strategy to raise more fund to administer the special education institutions in the economy depressed era.

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