
The relevance of the research of the influence of complex recreational exercises on the health of servicemen with certain health deviations, listed in the third health group (group of dynamic observation) is reflected. The subject of the study is the functional state of the organism of the servicemen of the third health group. The aim of the work is to prove the efficiency of the effect of the complex of recreational physical exercises on the health of the servicemen of the group of dynamic observation. In the modern society including the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation there are a lot of people of working age with a wide range of chronic diseases or dysfunctions of different systems of the body. The task of the government is to preserve the physical health of the population and fighting efficiency of military men, using means and methods of recreational physical therapy, among other things. It is proved that regular long-term application of the complex of recreational physical exercises has a positive influence on the functional state of the cardiorespiratory and endocrine systems of the organism of military men of the third health group as well as contributes to the improvement of their physical and professional work capacity. The results of the research reflected in the study can be applied in physical training and health improvement of the personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation as well as in medical preventive institutions of the health care system for the population in need of rehabilitation and intensification of motor activity.

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